Monday, December 1, 2008


Hi Erin, Dale, Jesse, Calista, and Dylan

April, Leland, Tiffany, and Sarah,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of last week we attended the training for Church Education missionaries. We chose to do this training with the group of missionaries who entered the MTC on November 17 rather than with those who enter the MTC on December 29. It will allow us to leave five days earlier for Michigan--traveling in the winter to Michigan needs more than four days and the semester at Michigan State University begins on January 12.

There were 20 couples in our training group. They came from all over the United States and were going all over the world: Wales, Tonga, Berlin, Brazil, Ireland, Finland, Honolulu, South Africa, Cambodia, and 8 or 9 places in the United States.

We were taught ways to improve our ability to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the classroom--in a nutshell, find the principle and the application in the scripture block. If we can develop that skill, we will certainly be better students or the gospel and better teachers to the students in East Lansing, Michigan.

I can't figure out how to add the picture of us at the MTC so I'll have to have help or write later.


Dad & Mom

Grandpa and Grandma O'Dell

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